Rhymesaurus is an excellent and high quality rhyme dictionary, that has been designed to help writers, students, teachers, designers and anyone who enjoys writing poems/rhymes. The easy-to-use program's interface features a search box, where we can enter a word to be searched in the Dictionary, Thesaurus, Rhyme, Sounds Like and WordSurf. We can customize the Pattern options (number of syllables, ends with, starts with, etc), and use the Scratch Pad to type freely. From the Rhyme tab it is possible to customize our rhyming searches: Perfect/Nominative, Light, Final Syllable, First Syllable, Back, Reverse, Homophone and many others. The WordSurf allows us to search for antonyms, synonyms and select the word class: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. We can go to the previous/first page or to the next/last one, as well as open files, save them, enable/disable automatic search and so on. Rhymesaurus has been updated, enhanced and resized to a smaller size. It can fully run under Windows Vista. New features include tabs, scratch pad, the possibility to view proverbs, idioms, and phrases, when searching for a perfect/normative rhyme, etc. We can evaluate this product free of charge for a whole month.